World Beat Fun

Multicultural and Contemporary Rhythms for K-8 Classrooms

ÉDITION MUSICALE: Alfred Music Publications
TYPE DE PRODUIT: Recueil avec CD
INSTRUMENT GROUP: Orchestre Symphonique
Multicultural and Contemporary Rhythms for the classroom. Each song offers several rhythms parts that vary in difficulty. Some are simple enough for Nursery Schoolers and Early Juniors while others will challenge four or fiveyears older. The call and response CD tracks allow these songs to be taught
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Subtitle Multicultural and Contemporary Rhythms for K-8 Classrooms
Compositeur Zig Wajler
Édition musicale Alfred Music Publications
Instrumentation Orff School Orchestra
Type de produit Recueil avec CD
Instrument Group Orchestre Symphonique
Année d'édition 2002
Genre Pédagogie
Style Musique du Monde
UPC 654979050742
Nombre de pages 32
No. ALF000674B
Multicultural and Contemporary Rhythms for the classroom. Each song offers several rhythms parts that vary in difficulty. Some are simple enough for Nursery Schoolers and Early Juniors while others will challenge four or fiveyears older. The call and response CD tracks allow these songs to be taught by rote, and the reproducible music reinforces the reading of rhythms.
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