The Vehicle of Music -

Reflections on a Life with Shinichi Suzuki and the Talent Education Movement

COMPOSITEUR: Masaaki Honda
ÉDITION MUSICALE: Alfred Music Publications
INSTRUMENT GROUP: Ouvrages de référence
Reflections on a life with Shinichi Suzuki and theTalent Education Movement. Filled with personal anecdotes and interesting stories, this book offers insights into Dr. Suzuki's philosophy as well as inspirational advice onhandling life's challenges.
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Subtitle Reflections on a Life with Shinichi Suzuki and the Talent Education Movement
Compositeur Masaaki Honda
Édition musicale Alfred Music Publications
Type de produit Recueil
Instrument Group Ouvrages de référence
Année d'édition 2002
Genre Classique
ISBN 9780874876833
UPC 654979040880
Nombre de pages 280
No. ALF000683
Reflections on a life with Shinichi Suzuki and theTalent Education Movement. Filled with personal anecdotes and interesting stories, this book offers insights into Dr. Suzuki's philosophy as well as inspirational advice onhandling life's challenges.
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