Advanced Techniques For The Modern Drummer

ÉDITION MUSICALE: Alfred Music Publications
TYPE DE PRODUIT: Recueil avec CD
Coordinated independence as applied to Jazz and Be-Bop. The original book that revolutionized drumming, from one of the undisputed jazz drumming legends Jim Chapin, the man who defined the art of modern drumming independenceand took it to new levels. The book contains exercises and solos of varying
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Compositeur Jim Chapin
Édition musicale Alfred Music Publications
Instrumentation Batterie
Text language Anglais
Type de produit Recueil avec CD
Instrument Group Batterie
Genre Méthode
ISBN 9780757995408
UPC 654979041382
Nombre de pages 64
No. ALF000681B

Coordinated independence as applied to Jazz and Be-Bop. The original book that revolutionized drumming, from one of the undisputed jazz drumming legends Jim Chapin, the man who defined the art of modern drumming independenceand took it to new levels. The book contains exercises and solos of varying levels of difficulty that are a test for even the most accomplished drummers. Now available with two CDs of demonstration tracks by Chapin himself.

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